Can a Zinc Worker Do Plumbing Work?

When building work is carried out, several building professionals are usually involved. These include specialists in masonry, plumbing, electricity, and zinc work. Can a zinc worker do plumbing work?

Who is a plumber?

A plumber is a building professional who works on the gas, air, and water distribution system components. He also repairs and maintains piping and drainage systems for various uses (heating, ventilation, clean and wastewater). We distinguish between plumber-heaters and plumber-installers.

The first one takes care not only of the sanitary installations but also the heating system. The latter is in charge of installing the interior and exterior plumbing networks. He can intervene in homes as well as in industrial buildings.

In general, the plumber is self-employed, but a construction company can also employ him. You can also call a plumber to perform emergency repairs on your water system. He is ideally qualified to do this work.

What is zinc work?

Zinc work is an activity that concerns the work of zinc. It is a process that amounts to covering a protective layer of zinc on a material. The main characteristic of zinc is that it resists water corrosion. Zinc plating is therefore used for exterior elements whose impermeability is essential.

The person who takes care of these tasks is called the zinc worker. The latter is responsible for ensuring the insulation of a house against moisture. His primary mission is to install the gutters and gutters. This is an essential device for a building because it prevents water infiltration inside the construction.

The zinc worker also deals with covering the roof of the houses. This professional can also be in charge of arranging the tiles and sheets on a roof. It also happens that the zinc worker deals with the repair of leaks in the roof or the water pipes.

The zinc worker and plumbing work: a possible mix?

To begin with, the zinc worker is the specialist who takes care of the roof covering to guarantee its waterproofness. As we mentioned earlier, this professional’s mission is to ensure a house’s insulation against moisture.

The zinc worker can also intervene on small plumbing works such as repairing leaks in water pipes. In this case, we can say that the zinc worker can carry out the plumbing work.

But the zinc worker cannot do it for large jobs such as the installation and maintenance of water systems. In these cases, it is best to contact a plumbing professional. It should be noted that in the past, there was a trade called plumber-ziners. It was a specialist in lead and zinc.

But this trade no longer exists, it has fallen into disuse. Plumbers-ziners are either specialized in roofing (roofer-ziners) or classical plumbing. For each field of activity, it is best to use the right specialist.

Some solutions to find a plumber for these plumbing works

A breakdown in the plumbing system can affect the whole house. Since incidents don’t happen overnight, having a plumber’s number on hand is crucial. Here are some ways to find a good plumber:

  • use word of mouth: it is one of the most effective ways of putting individuals in contact with professionals;
  • Use a networking platform: there are many online platforms that help professionals and individuals get in touch. You can also have on these sites the reviews left by consumers;
  • check the reputation of the craftsman or the company: still, on the Internet, you can quickly check the legal status of the plumber you have contacted for your work.

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