The Ridiculously Comprehensive Guide To Cleaning Your Drains
Are your drains working smoothly? When do you have to clean it? A clean drain is a sign that they are properly maintained and taken care of; taking care of your drain is essential to keep your plumbing in perfect condition. Taking care of your drain prevents the formation of any future clogs, which is really helpful because calling a plumber to fix a clog is not only a hassle but will take time of your day to fix these issues. By maintaining your drain properly, you avoid the risk of having a clogged drain. So, without further ado, let’s learn more about drains and what you can do to maintain and take care of them.
Use a drain trap and set your grease aside.
Certain products and residue can disrupt the flow down the drain, and these may be anything from crumbs, soap scum, or even hair and they are usually trapped in your shower drain and can also be trapped in your bathroom and kitchen drains too. To collect these things, you just need a drain trap, and it will prevent blockage. A drain trap is usually placed over the sink opening, and liquids will flow through it, and it will just collect non-liquid things. Once you are done showering or washing the dishes, you just have to remove the shower drain and throw the residue into the garbage. Oil and grease can be bound with each other and with other solids, and when they mix together in the drain, they create giant clogs. Instead of pouring grease and oil down the drain, it is better to put them in an old container or can, and once it is filled, you can just throw the canister away.
Certain items are a big no-no.
To prevent your drain from clogging, there are certain measures you must take to prevent it from happening. One of the most crucial ones is to avoid downing certain substances down it. Some organic matters take time to decompose and usually amass at the bottom of the drain. This, over time, builds up and creates a clog in the drain. Water will not only reflux, but you will also start smelling bad odors that come from the decomposing items. The following list of items are those that you should avoid putting in your drains:
- Coffee grounds
- Eggshells
- Fruit peels
- Household cleaning products
- Medication
- Napkin
- Paper towels
- Produce stickers
With these items, it is better if you throw them in the trash or if they are organic things like coffee ground and eggshell, then you can put them in your composting bin and use them as fertilizers for your plants. The above-mentioned items are the major cause of blockage and clogs.
Tips for cleaning your drain
Cleaning your drain can be as easy or as difficult as you make it. It is very easy to clean if you ask me, and you might already have most of the ingredients needed to clean it. If you are afraid that your drain will develop clogs, then this easy method makes sure that this doesn’t happen. All you’ll need for this is baking soda, vinegar, salt, and a bit of dish soap.
To clean your skin, pour ½ a cup of baking soda down the drain, then pour ¼ cups of white vinegar and top this off with about ½ cups of salt, leave it to do it thing for 15 minutes, and then pour hot water into the sink, this should do the job ad leave you with clean skin. If there is built-up grease and oil there, then add a teaspoon or two of dish soap into the drain ad slowly pour boiling water into the drain. The soap and water mixture should dissolve and wash away the grease.
To be on the safe side, always wear a pair of long sleeve shirts and gloves while doing this; this will protect you from the hot water splashes. If you want a more straightforward way to take care of your drain and keep it clean, then there is always bleach. Every so often, add a small amount of bleach down the drain and let it sit for about an hour before you turn on the water. This should do the trick and keep it clean.
It is also important for you to know that sometimes despite your best efforts, clogging will happen, and this is the nature of owning a home or apartment; these things happen and are part of life. A nasty and stubborn clog is often very difficult to remove without the proper skills, training, and equipment. If you find yourself in this situation, then call a professional plumber who will be able to help you out with this issue. Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about drains!
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